Stamford is a city in Fairfield County Connecticut. According to the 2014 census, the population of Stamford rises every year, making it the third-largest city in the state and the Seventh largest city in New England. Approximately 30 miles (50 kilometers) from Manhattan.
Stamford and in particular North Stamford are homes of the mid-century modern designed houses with giant windows and amazingly designed and renovated open kitchens and huge wooded lots it is an unusual find. North Stamford is the city where you can find your modern dream home that only needs a minor renovation done by professional design and remodel company and knowledgable plumber to pay attention to the septic and well systems tip[ical for the area and you can easily have the dreamed modern home with 1-3 acres lot for privacy on a very comparable price for a city with such a proximity to Manhattan where the prices are skyrocketing.