Our highly qualified and licensed plumbers have been in business for more than 20 years. Our team are fully experienced to handle your plumbing needs and have the quality skills and workmanship you are looking for.
General Plumbing
Replacing your vanity and you need reconnecting your sink, upgrading our old toilet, changing your kitchen faucet or you need a shower replacement for your bathroom remodel we can definitely help you with that task.
You're interested in the hydraulic heating installation or repair in your home? All hydraulic heating systems have one thing in common and this is the hot water. Hydraulic heating systems provide warmth in your home by pumping hot water to radiators throughout the house, to under-floor tubing, or to heat exchangers. We are providing repair or new installations service to all types of hydraulic heating systems.
Well pumps
Each home has its own well from which to draw water completely independent from the other houses on the street. More than that, each home has its own electromechanical system for bringing the water from the well to the house. At the center of each system is a pump, and the most commonly used are jet pumps and submersible pumps. If you need a repair or new installation of any of them, SITL Home Renovation and New Construction will provide a qualified plumbing specialist to repair or install for you any type of well pump you need.
Water heaters
Water heaters are a common part of almost every house and sometimes they do break down or simply their life span ends after the tenth year. Our plumbing department service any type of water heaters including tankless ones if you need a repair of a new installation.
Sump pumps
Having a leak in your basement, no worries, it is common issue with many homes. you just need a sump pump to resolve that. We can quickly install one for you or multiple if need them throughout your basement.